Kurt Gröschke
1939 Pilots Logbook & Jumping logbook 1937 - 1939
It doesn't get much better than this  for Fallschirmjäger collectors.
Truly a piece of history documenting one of Germany's best paratroopers
Oakleaves winner Kurt Gröschke. SOLD

Oberst. Kurt Gröschke
Fallschirmjäger and Oakleaves winner.
For detailed biography of Gröschke click here

Pilots logbook. The above is Gröschke's logbook.
He writes in his own hand
Oblt. Kurt Gröschke
8. May 1939

An example of one of the many pages. There are over 298 entries in the book.
Gröschke pilots everything from He72's, KL35's, FW44's etc.

Here you see where Gröschke is signed off for completeing his pilots training
by an unknown to me Hauptmann - 24 July 1939

Kurt Gröschke's Jumping Logbook

Front page of the book. Very interesting large handwritten script
is throughout the book.

There are 29 entries recording Gröschke's jumps mostly out of JU52's.
 Dates in the book range from his first jump on 9.2.37 to the last recorded jump
on 4.4.39. Last stamp in the book is dated May 4, 1939. Just one year
later Gröschke became Commander of 2nd Company, 1st Parachute Regiment.

There are four different pages in the book that are similar to this with
official stamps and signatures. This particular page dated November 26, 1937
is signed off by Oberletnant and KC winner Walter Koch who was KIA.
Walter Koch was Commander of his own 'Koch Parachute Assault Division'
and probably is best know for his part in the attack on the Belgium fortress of Eben Emael.

Here is a close up of another page that has an official stamp with signature. I am not 100% sure
but I believe almost certainly it has been signed by KC winner Karl Heinz Becker who at the time
was a leutnant with the 1st Parachute Regiment. Just one month later Becker was promoted to
Oberleutnant and took command of 1st Parachute Regiments 11th Company.
There are two other pages stamped with signature that I am working on identifying.

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