American Ace Profile Collection

American Ace Profile Collection - 64 profiles of American aces. Each page has a picture of the ace in wartime uniform and comes with a short bio. Each profile is also bodly signed by the ace and the profiles come in a large three ring black binder. Many top US aces from WWI ace George Vaughn to WWII ace Richard Turner.Very Impressive.........$995

The 64 profiles are signed by;

  1. George Vaughn Jr.
  2. Charles E. Adams Jr.
  3. William H. Allen
  4. C.E. Bud Anderson
  5. George C. Axtell
  6. Donald A. Baccus
  7. Robert Baird
  8. Robert M. Baker
  9. Robert P. Baldwin
  10. Ernest E. Bankey
  11. Rex T. Barber
  12. Marshall U. Beebe
  13. F.C. Boots Blesse
  14. John F. Bolt
  15. Charles R. Bond
  16. Gerald Brown
  17. George T. Chandler
  18. Robert C. Coats
  19. J.D. Collingsworth
  20. Jack E. Conger
  21. James W. Empey
  22. Edward L. Feightner
  23. Joseph Foss
  24. Cecil G. Foster
  25. Francis Gabreski
  26. Robert E. Galer
  27. John R. Gavin
  28. Vermont Garrison
  29. William E. Henry
  30. David Tex Hill
  31. Harry E. Hill
  32. James C. Ince
  33. George L Jones
  34. Warren R. Lewis
  35. John S. Loisel
  36. Herbert H. Long
  37. James F. Low
  38. Charles M. Mallory
  39. Thomas E. Maloney
  40. Kenneth R. Martin
  41. Robert Maxwell
  42. Richard H. May
  43. Carroll W. McColpin
  44. John W. Mitchell
  45. Robert H. Moore
  46. Frank Q. O'Connor
  47. Charles H. Older
  48. Ralph S. Parr
  49. Frederick R. Payne
  50. Steve N. Pisanos
  51. Robert Bruce Porter
  52. John E. Purdy
  53. Edward F. Rector
  54. Daniel R. Rehm Jr.
  55. Robinson Risner
  56. R. Steve Ritchie
  57. Herman J. Rossi Jr.
  58. J.R. Rossi
  59. Robert L. Scott
  60. Wendell V. Twelves
  61. Richard E. Turner
  62. Alexander Vraciu
  63. Kenneth A. Walsh
  64. Sidney S. Woods

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